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Percussion, Improvisation, Performances, Composition |
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Born 1956, working since 1978 as free-lancing percussionst on improvised / composed New Music, sound art and performance. Activities in Germany and abroad. Constant development of individual musical idioms focusing sound besides rhythm, especially the extension of techniques and instrumentation. Solo / duo / ensemble / orchestral work; participation in projects based on intermediary concepts (dance / theatre / fine arts etc ), increasingly refering to space; emphasis of synaesthetical impacts. Co-founder of the Wiesbaden musicians´ cooperative new jazz (1979), ARTist collective (1983), HumaNoise congress - days of contemporary Improvised Music (1987). Current working and / or available projects are: * WIE?! - Wiesbadener Improvisations Ensemble ( trio with Ulrich Phillipp, doublebass, electronics, Dirk Marwedel, saxophones ) * Ensemble 2 INCQ. (chamber ensemble with Marianne Schuppe, singing, Ulrich Böttcher, electronics, Joachim Zoepf, Dirk Marwedel, reeds, Christoph Korn, Hans Tammen, guitars, electronics, Georg Wolf, Ulrich Phillipp, doublebasses, ( electronics ), Michael Vorfeld, percussions ) * Endorfine ( duo with Fine Kwiatkowski, dance ) * A.Q.T R.Z. ( trio with Joachim Zoepf, saxophones, bassclarinet, Christoph Korn, guitar, electronics ) * percussion etcetera ( duo with Michael Vorfeld, percussion ) * Akustisches / Materialklang ( performance ensemble with Franz Erhard Walther, Jens P. Carstensen, Jan P.E.R. Sonntag ) Performances on festivals at Berlin, Bremen, Cologne, Copenhagen, Darmstadt, Den Haag, Dresden, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Hannover, Linz, Ljubljana, Munich, Münster, Nancy ( among others ). Also worked with many players of the european improvisation scene in numerous ad hoc projects. Publications: CD >1991< WIE?! - Wiesbadener Improvisations Ensemble ( U. Phillipp / D. Marwedel ) hybrid music productions 002 1991 CD >lanks< Lunx ( J. Zoepf / U. Oberg / J. Mühlhaus ) concept # 5056-2 1992 CD >congress< HumaNoise congress # 4 hybrid music productions 004 1993 CD >soll´n nach zwölfe laufen< X-CODE-X ( J.P. Carstensen / E. Grimm / M. Verborg / U. Phillipp ) Q-Tip-Musik Q 93002 1993 CD / MULTIPLE >Akustisches< F.E. Walther / Jens P. Carstensen / J.P. Sonntag / H. Kügler Edition HORCH / Q-Tip-Musik 1994 CD >Exploration< Jens P. Carstensen ( W. Dix / U. Oberg / M. Horstmann / H. Kügler / J.P. Carstensen ) Q-Tip-Musik Q 94002 1994 CD >BACH 4/7< Ferdinand Försch ( F. Försch / M. Horstmann / J.P. Carstensen / A. Fries / K. Hosoda / M. Vorfeld ) Q-Tip-Musik Q 96001 1996 CD / brochure ># 7 / # 8 / # 9< HumaNoise congresses # 7 - 9 ARTist compilation 1998 CD >A.Q.T R.Z.< ( Ch. Korn / J. Zoepf ) Improvisers´ Series NUR/NICHT/NUR / Berslton 199 01 05 1999 CD >tre pezzi per percussione spesso usate in maniera non convenzionale<
Improvisers´ Series NUR/NICHT/NUR / Berslton 100 06 13 2000 >Phänomenaler Bezirk< Solo-percussion within the multi mediaperformance ( 1987 ) >Innenklang des Außenraums - Außenklang des Innenraums< Performance of piece by Willi Kellers for 4 percussionists ( 1988 ) >Stadtoper< Percussionist of multimedia event during >Wiesbaden Summer< - one month of art in public space ( 1989 ) >Stadtraumbespielungen< 8 concerts in public spaces with Wiesbaden Improvisations Ensemble ( 1989 ) >27´10.554 for a percussionist< Performance of piece by John Cage within >45 minutes for a speaker< ( 1990 ) >(con)sequences / mo(ve)ments< Premier of dance/music-performance with Petra Lehr (1991 ) >Longstrings and percussion< Project by Jens P. Carstensen, >Unerhört< Bremerhaven ( 1992 ) >Akustisches / Materialklang< First sound-performance-work with Franz Erhard Walther, J.P. Carstensen, Jan P.E.R. Sonntag ( 1992 ) >Endorfine< Initiation of improvised performance-work with dancer Fine Kwiatkowski ( 1993 ) >Ensemble H en silence< Member of ten-piece-ensemble by Jörn Schipper ( 1993/94 ) >Über: Schatten, Springen< DanceMusicTheatre produced and performed with Fine Kwiatkowski ( 1994 ) >Ensemble H 2 INCQ.< Initiation of ten-piece-ensemble for Improvised Music ( 1995 ) >Helmeneutik 1-3< Sound/movement-performances solo and with Fine Kwiatkowski and Harald Lubasch ( 1995 / 98 ) >Der Verletzlichkeit Raum geben< Live-art-performances with artist Schang Hutter, Fine Kwiatkowski and Wiesbaden Improvisations Ensemble ( 1995/96 ) >Penthaus 356< Premier of sound/light/dance-performance with Michael Vorfeld and Fine Kwiatkowski ( 1995 ) >B-A-C-H 4 / 7< Project on the work of John Cage by Ferdinand Försch for 4 percussionists and 3 performers ( 1995 ) >nomadisch-sesshaft / sesshaft-nomadisch< >klimatisch< Performance-works with Fine Kwiatkowski ( 1995 ) >Arche eo chordata< Sound-installation / performance for percussion, longstring and dance with Jens P. Carstensen and Fine Kwiatkowski ( 1996 ) >Swimmingpool study for sound and light< Light-/sound-performance with Michael Vorfeld ( 1996 ) >Impromptu á trois / Tripelfuge< Performance-work with Marianne Schuppe ( vocal ) and Fine Kwiatkowski ( 1997 ) >ohne Titel 1 : Vorspiel< >ohne Titel 2 : Nachspiel< >ohne Titel 3 : Hörspiel< Performance-trilogy produced and performed with Fine Kwiatkowski ( Rhizom DancePerformanceTheatre ) ( 1997 ) >TanzKlangFarbe< Intermediary work in progress with artist Heike Krebs-Bechtel and Fine Kwiatkowski ( 1997 ) >Auslegungssache - 4/4 in Grautönen< Performance of soundimage-composition for percussion and bassclarinets with Phillipe Micol and Joachim Zoepf ( 1998 ) >Animorfine< Performance-work with Gustav Gisiger ( lightsculpture / projections) and Adriana Kocijan ( dance ) ( 1998 ) >Böttcher / Kaczynski / Schliemann / Vorfeld< Percussion quartet with Ulrich Böttcher, Raymond Kaczynski
and Michael Vorfeld >tamutual< Project for Improvised music and dance with Günter Christmann, Erhard Hirt, Ulrich Phillipp, Tadashi Endo, Adriana Kocijan, Gernot Frischling and Fine Kwiatkowski ( 1999 ) >Hör-Feld-Forschung I-III< Soundscape-project ( installation / performance / concert ) with Ulrich Böttcher, Dirk Marwedel, Ulrich Phillipp >Musik für einen Kurpark< Solo-percussion in performances of an adaption of Fontana-Mix by John Cage, realised for 6 orchestras and 4 soloists by Wilfried Weber ( 1999 ) >Divergent< Intermediary work with Fine Kwiatkowski for and within steel sculptures of artist Robert Schad; performances in Budapest, Ravensburg, Lodz ( 1999 ) >Stadtflucht< Musical director and performer of multimedia performance with choreographers Tadashi Endo, Johannes Bönig, Fine Kwiatkowski and artist Pfelder ( 1999 ) >Supercollider< Audio-art-performance by / with Rupert Huber, Robin Rimbaud (Scanner) and Böttcher / Marwedel / Phillipp ( 1999 ) >Vario 36< Project of Improvised Music with Günter Christmann, Peter van Bergen, Axel Dörner, Alexander Frangenheim, Thomas Lehn ( 1999 ) >Zeichen< Performance-work with Fine Kwiatkowski ( 2000 ) >Men at work< Intermediary project with Oliver Augst (live-electronics) and Udo Zickwolf (dance) ( 2000 ) >OB:ACHT< Synaesthetical performance project for sound, speech, video-/ slide-projection and cooking with Lubasch, Böttcher, Marwedel, Phillipp, Erika Enders, Jürgen Waldmann, Gerhard Westerath ( 2000 ) >Metamorphosen< Premier of solo-/duo-project with Fine Kwiatkowski ( 2000 ) >klangFELD / PLAYGROUND / JARDIN des objets trouvés< Sound-installation/performance/concert for sound-objects,video-projection and live-percussion ( 2000 ) >time: structured< Performance of pieces for Improvisors by Hainer Wörmann, Ulrich Sobotta ( 2000 ) |
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